Paris 2-4 July 2018
Sorbonne Université – Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie
4, place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
MONDAY 2 July 2018
12.00-14.00: Registration
14.00-14.15: Opening Ceremony
14.15-15.30: Plenary Lecture
-John Holmes, University of Birmingham
The Pre-Raphaelites and Science
15.30-17.00: Plenary panel
-Martin Willis, Keir Waddington and James Castell, Cardiff University ScienceHumanities: New Visions for Literature and Science Collaboration
17.30-19.30:Science and Literature in the Nineteenth Century
-George N. Vlahakis, Hellenic Open University and Institute for Historical Research, National Hellenic Research Foundation
The life and work of a “heretic” Greek Orthodox Christian natural philosopher in Victorian literature
-Anne-Gaelle Weber,Université d’Artois
Des usages scientifiques de la littérature au XIXe siècle
-Alice Jenkins,University of Glasgow
Literary criticism and the saving virtue of scientific method in Victorian Britain’
-Will Abberley,University of Sussex
The Instinctive Naturalist: Science, Hunting and Emotion in Victorian Natural History Writing
TUESDAY 3 July 2018
Parallel session B1: Poetry of Science
-Marion Simonin, Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle – Paris-3
Fourth State of the material by Lorand Gaspar. A poetry to stitch up?
-Pauline Lescar, Sorbonne Université – Faculté des Sciences et Ingénierie
Geopoetryin Whitman’sLeaves of Grass
-Tzveta Sofronieva, Independent Scholar
The Light in its Infinity
-Anna Kasperek,Jagiellonian University
Franciscanism in the Polish poetry of interwar period
Parallel session B2:Forms of Science Writing
-Simone Palmieri,University of Rome Sapienza
Advertising and emotion: a survey on rhyming commercials
-Anna Auguscik,CvO University, Oldenburg
Exploring Global Dimensions of the History of Science in Expedition Narratives
-Caroline Curtis,University of Birmingham
Autobiographical Aspects of the Writing of Robert Boyle
Parallel session B3: Scientific Genres and Scientific Methods in Fiction
-Diana Mistreanu,Université du Luxembourg/Université Paris-Est
Playing With the Reader’s Brain. A Neurocognitive Reading of Andreï Makine’s Novels
-Mike Wainwright,Royal Holloway, University of London
Arthur Conan Doyle’s Denial of Induction: Deduction and Sherlock Holmes’s Scientific Method of Detection
-Anton Kirchhofer, University of Oldenburg
Fictional Science Narratives and the ‘Globalisation of Knowledge’
-Fleur Hopkins,Bibliothèque Nationale de France
Vanished!: Visual Culture of the Invisible Man in the French Merveilleux-scientifique Genre
Parallel session B4:Mathematics, Physics and Literature
-Klaus Mecke, ELINAS, University of Erlangen
Narrated Nature: Towards a Narratology of Physics
-Aura Heydenreich, ELINAS, University of Erlangen
Epistemic Transfer and Model Transformation between Physics and Literature
-Tefkros Michaelides, American College of Athens
Gödel’s theorem as a source of inspiration for literary production
-Grigorios Ioannidis, National University of Athens
“Theatre in the 11th dimension”; Notions of Modern Physics in Contemporary Greek Theatre
Parallel session B5: Science and Literature in different contexts
-Maria Zarimis, University of New South Wales
Contextualising Kazantzakis: His Science and Spirit
-Georgia Pateridou Hellenic Open University, and Nikos Mathioudakis, Kazantzakis Publications
Continuously surpassing oneself: issues of science and philosophy in the work of Nikos Kazantzakis
-Vanessa Costa e Silva Schmitt, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
L'homme de l'art au XVIe siècle: la construction des savoirs médico-philosophiques dans L'Œuvre au Noir (1968), de Marguerite Yourcenar
-Ioli Mpei, National University of Athens, Science and Literature as different fields: Discussion of a misconception
13.30-15.30 LUNCH BREAK
Parallel session B6: Illumination, Knowledge and the Imagination
-Alessio Mattana,University of Leeds
‘In the Search of Knowledge and Truth’: Defoe’s Satire of Newton’s Demonstrative Knowledge in The Consolidator (1705)
-Kieran Murphy, University of Colorado at Boulder
Electromagnetism and the Volatile Imagination
-Constantin Canavas, Technical University of Hamburg
The affective narrative of the diminishing distance. Science and literature in the”Cosmicomics”by Italo Calvino
-Peter Maria Schuster, Echophysics
From Physics to Poetry – The Path of Life of Ernesto Sαbato
Parallel session B7:Education
-Rosy Angelaki, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Science and historical novels. Shaping the scientific thinking in young readers.
-Pirjo Suvilehto, University of Oulu
Theory of Bibliotherapy as an approach to study a picture book. Representations of guiding animals as a case-study
-Panagiotis Lazos, National University of Athens, and George N. Vlahakis, Hellenic Open University
Scientific instruments and public lectures from a philological association. The case of Greek philological association of Constantinople.
WEDNESDAY 4 July 2018
Parallel session C1: Medicine and the Human Body
-Stefania Iliescu-Suciu,Université de Rennes 2
Fact is stranger than fiction – Neuroscience in Richard Powers’ The Echo Maker (2006)
-Aureo Lustosa Guerios,University of Padua
Blue Death: the masking of cholera as plague in Poe and Pushkin
-Pierre-Louis Patoine, Université Sorbonne-Nouvelle – Paris 3
Cutting-up viral codes: William S. Burroughs, CRISPR-Cas9 and The Wild Boys
-Carlos Gámez Pérez,Universitat de Girona
Tiempo de silencio, by Luis Martín-Santos: An Existential Psychoanalysis on Spanish Society
Parallel session C2: Social Aspects of Science and Literature
-Radim Hladík, Czech Academy of Sciences
Czech Literature as a Measure of Czech Sociology
-Gemma Curto Alonso, University of Sheffield
Environmental crisis in Hunter’s Map of Days and McGuire’s Here
-Donatella Germanese Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
Petroleum and the Sublime in Industrial Magazines of the 1950s
11.30 General assembly- Conclusions