1 – Format: Please send us your contribution in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx.) For all other software, please save in .rtf format before sending it.
2 – Languages: Articles are published in French, English, German and Spanish.
3 – Length: Between 30.000 et 60.000 characters, spaces and notes included.
4 – Body of text: Times New Roman, font size 12 (10 for quotations of 4 lines or more). Line spacing: 1.5. Separate paragraphs with a single carriage return. No tabs, no indents: paragraphs start at the left margin.
5 – Quotations of 4 lines or more: Font size 10, single line spacing. A single carriage return before and after the quotation. Left indent of one (1) cm for the entire long quotation. This is the only permitted formatting or styling command and it is mandatory. Do not use quotation marks for these long quotations, unless they are present in the quotation itself.
6 – Punctuation: Please respect the punctuation rules of the article’s language, such as space or no space before the punctuation marks. In the body of the text, the endnote number is placed in upper script before any punctuation mark, regardless of the language used.
7 – Endnotes: Single spaced. Continuous numbering in Arabic numbers. No tabs, no indents, i.e. aligned with the left margin.
8 – Style: Do not use any style or formatting commands, such as center, indent or justify, except for the mandatory 1cm indent of long quotations. In particular, do not format paragraphs and long quotations with spaces before and after. Use a single carriage return as indicated above.
9 – No pagination. Please do not use headers or footers.
10 – Titles and subtitles: A single carriage return before titles and subtitles. No empty line after, i.e. start the new paragraph in the following line after the title or subtitle. Titles and subtitles should be placed at the left margin (no indents, no tabs) in the following format:
I. Bold, no indentation, single space.
1. Bold Italics, no indentation, single space.
11 – For centuries, use, roman numerals, for example, XVIIIth century.
11 – Author’s biography: Each contributor should include a short biography at the end of the article, stating her/his title or status, institution, ongoing research and recent publications (maximum 10 lines).
13 – Keywords: Please add at the beginning of your contribution a list keywords (mandatory).
14 – Abstract: Please add at the beginning of your contribution an abstract, of no more than 250 words (mandatory).
15 – Images and illustrations are welcome. Please make sure they are free of rights. Do not integrate images in the text. Please send them separately as .jpg files and indicate where you would like them to be placed in the text.
16 – When copy-pasting from external sources (web pages, other Word or PDF documents…), please use the « Paste Special: Unformatted Text » function. You can then add special format such as italics.
17 – Citations:
Do not use “op. cit” or “ibid.” If the reference is clear in the body of the text, put in parenthesis only a page number. You may add, only if necessary, an author’s name before the page number. If the list of work cited (see below) contains more than one item by the same author, please add a keyword from the title of the item cited. In sum, put in parenthesis only what is necessary to identify the item in the Works Cited.
Examples :
– If the Works Cited contains only one item by Pierssens: “According to Pierssens (156)…”
– If the author’s name is not mentioned in the body of the text: “We are now familiar with the concepts of epistemocriticism (Pierssens, 203)…”
– If the Works Cited contains more than one item by Pierssens: “As Pierssens has shown (Savoir, 316)…”
– If neither the author nor the item cited are in the body of the text and Works Cited contains more than one item by the author: “We are now familiar with the concepts of epistemocriticism (Pierssens, Savoirs, 203)…”
18 – Works Cited: Please add at the end of your contribution a list of works cited (mandatory), in alphabetical order of the last name. Single carriage return between each entry, no indentation, no tabs. Entries should be in the following format:
– Book:
Last name of author, first name of author, Title, Place of publication, Publisher, Year, page(s) [just one “p.” before page numbers]
Example: Dumas, G., La fin de la République de Venise. Aspects et reflets littéraires, Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1964, p. 12-13.
– Article in journal:
Last name of author, first name of author, “Title of article,” Title of journal or book, Place of publication, Publisher, (collection, vol. n°), Year, page(s).
Example: Jonard, N., “L’Italie et le mythe solaire de la Révolution,” Revue des Études Italiennes, n°1-4, 2, p. 139-153.
– Article in book:
Last name of author, first name of author, “Title of article,” in First and last name of author (ed.), Title of book, Place of publication, Publisher, Year, (collection n°), page(s).
Example: Heuzé, Ph., “Une page de Robespierre. Étude d’un morceau d’éloquence révolutionnaire” in R. Chevalier (ed.), La révolution française et l’Antiquité, Tours, centre de Recherches A. Piganiol, 1991, (Caesarodunum, Vol. XXV bis), p. 117-26.
– Internet references :
Last name of author, first name of author, “Title of article,” Title of journal or webpage, (vol. n°), Year, Online : [full url] (consulted + date)
Example: Pelletier J., “Les émotions sont-elles sensibles au contraste entre le réel et l’imaginaire ?,” Épistémocritique, vol. 11, 2013. Online : [http://rnx9686.webmo.fr/?p=298] (consulted March 19, 2015)