Plasticités Sciences Arts

PSA est heureux de vous annoncer que le n°22 de la revue PLASTIR vient de paraître.
Intentionnalité, oubli, information, historicité, autant d’items, de langages communs abordés différemment par des auteurs aussi brillants que le Nobel d’économie Herbert Simon, le logicien Joseph Brenner, le sociologue Edgar Morin, ou encore, sous la forme d’un dialogue nourri entre une philosophe, Mariana Thieriot Loisel, et un neurobiologiste, Marc-Williams Debono, font de ce numéro de PLASTIR un essai dédié au processus de la pensée et de la découverte.

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Synopsis of the Review

PSA is happy to announce to you that the n°22 of the review PLASTIR has just been published.

Intentionality, lapse of memory, information, historicity, as much items, common languages approached differently by authors as brilliant as the Nobel of Economy Herbert Simon, the logician Joseph Brenner, the sociologist Edgar Morin, or in the form of a dialogue nourished between a philosopher, Mariana Thieriot Loisel, and a biologist, Marc-Williams Debono, make this issue of PLASTIR an essay dedicated to the process of the thought and the discovery.

Also to see constant update of the PSA website : news, reading notes, publications, new links, announce of events or conferences.

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